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Valentin Granatkin
Valentin Granatkin. The Goalkeeper who became the
first FIFA Vice-President
Valentin Granatkin is a big person in the history
of Russian sport. Not only as a talented
sportsman, but also as a greatest organizer of the
sports movement.
Future goalkeeper of USSR National team was born
in the 16th of July 1908 in Bronnitsky
district of Moscow region. At age of 15 he started
appearing in the goal of Moscow side
�Krasniy Luch�, later � in �Serp i Molot�, �Elektrozavod�,
�Lokomotiv�. As a player of team
Moscow Valentin Granatkin became Soviet Champion
in 1932. With USSR National team he
played against teams of Norway, Sweden, Turkey,
and as �Lokomotiv� player he won the first
Cup of USSR.
At winters, Granatkin changed ball for ice skates
and played Russian hockey for teams of
Moscow, national teams of Russia and USSR. He was
one of the best goalies of preWWII
times. There was no other goalkeeper, who played
in Soviet national team for both football
and Russian hockey. In the first Russian hockey
Championship of Soviet Union, Granatkin,
aged 38 at that time, played for �Spartak� (Moscow)
and won bronze medal.
Since 1943 Valentin Granatkin started working as
an instructor for Communist Party
Propaganda section., since 1969 � as a Chairman
of the Moscow sports committee, since
1955 � as a Deputy chairman of the Russian Sports
Committee. The most of his ideas and
energy went to improving Soviet football system..
At 1951-59 he was the Soviet football section
chairman, and in 1959-1964 and 1968-1973 he was Chairman
of Football Federation of USSR.
Also Valentin Granatkin gave a lot to the improving
of Soviet football positions of an
international scale. Since 1946 he was FIFA Vicepresident.
Since 1955 till the end of his life
� FIFA First Vicepresident, chairman on amateur
football committee.
Granatkin passed away at the 2nd of November 1979,
when final preparations for football
tournament of the Olympic games in Moscow. To commemorate
this man, about whom FIFA
President Joao Havelange said �Unforgettable FIFA
vicepresident, man, who was an example
to all of us�, international youth football tournament
is organized since 1981.
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