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International Youth Football Tournament - the First FIFA Vice-President V.A. Granatkin Memorial

íà ãëàâíóþ ñàéòà

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��������� ������� / Teams:

��Àçåðáàéäæàí / Azerbaijan �����������/Azerbaijan
��Áåëàðóñü / Belarus �������� / Belarus
��Êèòàé / China ����� / China
��Ôèíëÿíäèÿ / Finland ��������� / Finland
��Èòàëèÿ / Italy ������ / Italy
��Ëàòâèÿ / Latvia ������ / Latvia
��Ðîññèÿ / Russia ������ / Russia
��Óêðàèíà / Ukraine ������� / Ukraine

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������� / History:

�������� ���������
Valentin Granatkin
������� �������
Tournament history
��� ���������
All memorials
XXII �������� - 2010
XXII memorial - 2010
XXI �������� - 2009
XXI memorial - 2009


�������� / MATCHES

���� � 9, ������ �, ������ ���

����� - ����������� 3:0
7 ������ 2011 �., �����-���������, ������������� ���, 500 ��������

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��������������: ������� (7), �� ��� ��� (15), �������� (60), ��� ���� (80), ��� ��� ���� (89).
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Match � 9, Group B, third round

China � Azerbijan 3:0
7 January� 2011, St. Petersburg , PSCC, 500 spectators

Referee: Kostevich, Anoshin, Grechishkin
Han Rongze, Wang Tong (c) (Fang Gang 80), Shi Ke, Wu Ti (Zhu Xiaojian, 89), Pei Shuai, Chen Hao, Yang Kuo, Yang Chaosheng (Zhuang Jiajie 85), Jin Bo (Wu Xinghan55, Mi Haowan 77), Li Songyi, Lin Chuangyi (Li Fang).
Head coach: Su Maozhen
Azizov, Alhasov (Gumbatov 39), Deniev, Abbasov, Badalov (Ibragimov 58), Bayramov, Tagizade (c), Gross, Dzhafarov (Abdullaev 46), Novruzov (Isaev 68), Umarov
Head coach: Velli Kasumov

Goals: Wu Ti (45 p), Lin Chuangyi (55), Chen Hao (61).
Yellow cards: Badalov (7), Yang Chaosheng (15), Novruzov (60), Wang Tong (80), Zhu Xiaojian (89)

Best player: Wang Tong, Tagizade


Head coach of China:
- We prepared for this match carefully: looked through the games of our opponents, their tactics. I think Azerbaijan team is very skillful but couldn�t show it today for 100%. My players played hard and the goal at the end on first half gave us emotional advantage after the break.

Head coach of Azerbaijan:
- I want to congratulate my colleague with a deserved victory. Our opponents showed beautiful football with a good quality of the game. We couldn�t follow our aims. Still we don�t have enough practice, that is why make silly mistakes. We have to work much.

Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial


Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial
Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial

Òóðíèð ïàìÿòè  Âàëåíòèíà Ãðàíàòêèíà | Valentin Granatkin Memorial

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